Please take a moment to read these rules carefully. By signing your membership application, you have agreed to adhere to these rules. We pride ourselves in having a safe and enjoyable facility.
General Rules
- Admittance to the pool will be for members in good standing. Dues must be paid in full by May 1st. By paying dues, members agree to abide by the rules.
- Each member must have a current photo in Member Splash or must present a current photo ID to the front office attendant, no exceptions. Members not having a current photo in Member Splash or a photo ID will not be admitted into the pool.
- Guests must be accompanied by the member and registered with the front office attendant. Guest fees are to be purchased in Member Splash prior to arrival or at the front office upon arrival (no cash). Members who are 16 years old may bring one guest who is 14 years of age or older. Members who are 17 years and older may bring more than one guest of any age. Guests will be asked to present a valid ID. (See the Guest Policy for additional details).
- All children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times when inside the pool enclosure. The baby pool may be used only by children six years of age and under. All children using the baby pool must be under the supervision of their parents at all times. Parents or guardians must be inside the fenced area of the baby pool.
- If parents of small children who cannot swim allow their children to use the large pool, they must be in the water with their children. These children should remain in the roped off area of the large pool.
- It is required that all young children in diapers use a swim diaper, not a disposable diaper, during pool usage. Out of respect for all members, please monitor your child’s bathroom habits to prevent accidents both in the pool and in the bathroom.
- All guard related conversations should be referred to the guard manager on duty, unless the manager is on the stand. In the event that this occurs, please see a guard not on the stand who can assist with the issue.
- No one with colds sores or open wounds (even if taped or bandaged) will be allowed in the water.
- Pets are not allowed inside the fenced pool area.
- Absolutely no glass containers or bottles will be permitted inside the pool enclosure. ALL TRASH MUST BE DEPOSITED IN THE TRASHCAN. SITTING ON THE TABLES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.
- No swimming will be permitted unless swimmers are clad in clean and proper swimming attire.
- The Glen Allen Community Center is not responsible for members’ valuables. All lost and found items will be turned in to the lifeguards on duty or front office. The Lost and Found will be cleaned out at the end of each month. Unclaimed items will be taken to Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc. or thrown away.
- The pool will be used only during scheduled hours when lifeguards are on duty. The lifeguards have the authority to close the pool at any time, in consideration of the health and safety of the members (rain, electrical storms, etc.).
- All bicycles must be parked at the bicycle rack, not on the sidewalk or in front of the building. Parents should remind children of this rule.
- A lap lane will be provided if requested from the lifeguard on duty.
Pool Rules
- No glass containers of any kind allowed.
- No use of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia allowed on the pool premises. Violators subject to immediate suspension.
- No Pets allowed inside the fenced pool area.
- No dunking, pushing, fighting, horseplay, or running allowed.
- Diving is permitted in the diving well and five ft. area only.
- Only one person allowed on the diving board at a time.
- All water games, and the area in which they are to be played, must first be approved by the lifeguard on duty.
- No hanging on the waterside basketball hoop/rim.
- Parents are expected to supervise their children at all times including the playground area.
- A 15 minute safety break for all children under 16 years of age will be held once every hour, except for the last hour of operation.
- Infants and children not potty-trained must use swim diapers and/or vinyl training pants/suits with vinyl lining to prevent unpleasant accidents in the pools.
- Parents/Caregivers are asked to frequently check (every 30-45 min,) swim diapers/rubber pants and change as needed. Children six and under are to utilize the restroom facilities during the safety breaks. This is to help prevent unpleasant accidents and thus closing the pool to members for cleaning.
- All swimmers should stay out of the water when they are ill, even if they are wearing swim diapers or swim pants, to eliminate the risk of contaminating the pool and potentially making others sick.
- Rafts, mattresses, etc. are not permitted in either pool except on designated raft days/nights. Life vests and water wings may be used in the shallow end of the pool with parental supervision.
- GACC is not responsible for valuables or personal property.
- Conversations with lifeguards while they are on duty are not permitted.
- Report all complaints, problems and injuries to a lifeguard in the lifeguard station or the pool ambassador.
- Everyone must leave the pool in the event of an emergency. The signal for this three blasts from the lifeguard’s whistle.
Lifeguards and Pool Ambassadors will enforce these rules for the safety of all members and guests.
Diving Well
- Diving well must be completely clear of swimmers before diving/jumping
- Only one person at a time is allowed on the board.
- One bounce per dive/jump.
- Dive/Jump off facing forward; No backwards dives/jumps allowed.
- Must jump straight out into the center of the well, not towards the wall.
- Must be able to swim to the wall without any assistance.
- No diving/jumping with goggles on.
- No flotation devices allowed.
- No catching others off of the board.
- No hanging on the board.
Slide Rules
- You must be able to swim.
- Only one person in each slide at a time.
- Person in front must clear roped area in pool before next person begins.
- Maximum of two people on the steps at a time.
- No pushing on steps or slide.
- No cutting in line.
- No use of personal flotation devices on slide.
- Swim outside roped area before heading to side of the pool.
- No throwing objects from steps or top platform.
- No pool shoes allowed on slide.
- Slide feet first only – head first sliding NOT ALLOWED.
- No climbing back up the slide from the bottom.
- No stopping in slide.
- Swimsuit pockets must be empty.
- No one allowed inside roped area to catch a child exiting slide.
- Failure to obey these rules will result in disciplinary action.
Basketball & Volleyball Court Rules
- Children under six years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
- Horseplay which could result in injury (throwing sand, misuse of equipment) is prohibited.
- Parents are expected to supervise children in the basketball/volleyball area.
- After leaving the sand volleyball court, feet must be washed at water spigots, located at each entrance to the area, prior to re-entering the pool area.
- The Volleyball Area has been provided by the Community Center for ALL members’ use.
- No pulling on the volleyball net.
***Please note that ALL recreational areas close 15 minutes before pool closing.
We are family-based recreational facility. Please respect your fellow members and observe the rules of common decency. Foul language or behavior deemed unsuitable for a family environment will not be tolerated. Members or guests who fail to follow the rules listed above, may subject themselves to a range of disciplinary actions up to and including suspension or revocation of pool privileges.
Violators of these rules should be reported to a member of the Board or lifeguard on duty. Repeated violations should be reported to a member of the Board in writing. Any deliberate violation of these rules and regulations, or abuse of pool facilities and equipment, may result in restriction or termination of pool privileges.
Any member wishing to change a rule or to make a suggestion regarding the pool operations should state their request in writing, which may be presented to any member of the Glen Allen Community Center Board.